Sound of today #9
Pancake sunday
Hello again. Today, after waking up at Louise's place, I went to my friend Signe's, where a group of 9 people had a pancake party. We made oven pancake, american pancakes and ofc, regular pancakes. Obviously, it was delicious and we ate way too much and I ended up feeling nausious for a cople of hours. We talked and laughed and had a great time. I love days like these, where there is just the simplicity of enjoying other people's company. Moments where we don't feel lonely or worried or anxious about tomorrow, but can just... enjoy.
Sound of today #8
All I want for christmas these things listed down below, should not be too much to ask for right? Here are the things I would be the most happiest to find under the tree this year or to experience coming true;
1. Gift certificates to buy new funriture, clothes and shoes. Since the actual buying is half the fun.
2. Posters and t-shirts with my favourite bands on them, which is sort of difficult to find in Stockholm.
3. Books by Sophie Kinsella and other literature about international relations and/or political science.
If I could go a bit further and wish for the extreme:
1. All wars and poverty would fineally come to and end.
2. Trips around the world to more than 50 different locations.
3. Getting to see my favourite bands live and meet them in person.
Sound of today #7
After the silence
Hello again, to those who read this. I never do this, but since I haven't written anything in such along time, a 'I'm so sorry' is probably in order. I know it's been forever since I wrote something here, and I apologize for that. Thing is, the last few months have most likely been the busiest period of my entire life. The international barbershop competition in the States, school work and other things that have come up have sure given me a golden opportunity to keep this page interesting, since there is constantly new stuff happening, but leaving me with no time to actually write about them. Sort of ironic in a way. But to move on from that, I can gladly say that with my resently given freedom from school up until the 7th of January, I'll most likely be able to update.
Atm, I'm sitting here, in my PJ's even though it's late in the afternoon, listening to Disturbed and longing to go back to bed. I woke up a couple of hours ago and have not had the energy to do anything else but text friends, read a book and then finally drag myself to the computer chair. It's probably because this is the first day where I can just stay at home and do nothing in like, half a year or something like that (not counting the time when I got terribly sick a month ago). Not to complain or anything, me and everyone else know that I keep myself busy for a reason, and I usually love it. But yeah, so, today is lazy day. Which is probably why I'm writing this at the moment. Because I just happened to find myself restless. Which is one of the feeling I hate the most and always try to turn into something creative that will make me feel like I've actually done something worthwile. That's just how I work, apperantly. Another ironic thing, considering I always long to just do nothing when I'm über busy. Sort of proves that you always end up wanting what you can't have. Not true in all cases, but in many of them at least. But as previously said, I'm still loving it since I plan things ahead and like to fill my time with things that make me fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.
Atm, I'm sitting here, in my PJ's even though it's late in the afternoon, listening to Disturbed and longing to go back to bed. I woke up a couple of hours ago and have not had the energy to do anything else but text friends, read a book and then finally drag myself to the computer chair. It's probably because this is the first day where I can just stay at home and do nothing in like, half a year or something like that (not counting the time when I got terribly sick a month ago). Not to complain or anything, me and everyone else know that I keep myself busy for a reason, and I usually love it. But yeah, so, today is lazy day. Which is probably why I'm writing this at the moment. Because I just happened to find myself restless. Which is one of the feeling I hate the most and always try to turn into something creative that will make me feel like I've actually done something worthwile. That's just how I work, apperantly. Another ironic thing, considering I always long to just do nothing when I'm über busy. Sort of proves that you always end up wanting what you can't have. Not true in all cases, but in many of them at least. But as previously said, I'm still loving it since I plan things ahead and like to fill my time with things that make me fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.