Vi är lika
Holy shit
Får hoppas på att jag hittar ett annat offer att snylta på ikväll... Usch, vad hemsk jag låter. Brukar inte snylta, det är bara det (för att citera en facebook-grupp) det finns alldeles för mycket månad kvar i slutet av pengarna. Mycket väl talat av den gruppskaparen. På tal om det så finns det alldeles för lite tid i slutet på dygnet. Har nu 88 minuter på mig att äta middag, skriva klart en engelskauppsats och kolla på ett till avsnitt av Gilmore Girls. Kommer bli en fin kväll detta. God natt.
Most likely

På min klasskiva den 2 maj i år så tilldelades jag min "medalj" som alla i klassen skulle få med förutspådda framtider som alla i klassen skulle hjälpa till att motivera för. Motiveringen löd:
"Well... The next girl were there many who had commented on her liking of rocker boys. Many had written "most likely to date a rocker or most likely to marry a rockstar and so on. But then we thought - What would Mr Olsson say about that? - That's sexist! is what he would say... So, Madeleine, here you are; Most likely to become a rockstar!"

Lazarra & Winkler
Stupid time
Music helps. My friends help. Johan helps and the fact that this summer is going to be amazing helps. Now I have both Rock am Ring with Jenny, two gigs with the band in June, a trip to Spain with Lisa, Gotland with Johan and Italy with my Godfather to look forward to. Summer 2009 is going to shine brighter than any summer has ever done before.
Overload me
Today was interesting though and I actually managed to get some work done. I wrote two history essays and handed them both in before midnight. Since the deadline was 26/5 and I did hand the last one in at exactly 23:59 it should be alright since it was still the 26th. In between essays I first spent some time with the wonderful bf of mine in the afternoon and then hung out with two of my bestest friends in the company of pop corn. Then me and one of the bestest friends, Lisa, booked a trip to Spain! It's sooo awsome! It's gonna be so great to go to Spain, and for the first time. I Can't Wait.
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
Three simple words
You make me happy.
You've made the past two months,
two of the best months I've ever experienced.
And I miss you when you're not here...
I usually hate cheesiness,
but so far I haven't gotten tired of saying those
three simple words to you:
I love you.
Not enough
Or something in the likes of it...
I wish that I could've changed our paths so we didn't have to say goodbye, I tried my best so that wouldn't have to happen. I reached my limit though, I skipped all my pride but it was not enough for you. Since I've managed to create a life where I'm happy being where I am without you I think we'll simply become just a memory. I don't have the energy to fight it anymore.
I hope you're happy, I really do. I hope you'll get everything you ever dreamed of. Everything's worked out for the best and I hope you realise that I would have stayed your friend if you'd wanted me to, but I guess you didn't want me to be that either. Have a good life and I guess I'll see you around.
Simple truth
Every single minute is just a minute away, and that minute can be the one that changes everyhting. It's scary in a way how fast an altering event can affect the rest of your life. It scares me, just the thought that snap decisions can change everything, just like that. And sure, we can try and adjust and try and fix our mistakes. If we feel like we want to turn back time and act differently, we try and find another way. however though, that second that changed everyhitng still happened.
There are things I wish I'd never done, things I wish I'd never said, and all of those things were events that I didn't think through quite enough. All of that just for the one reason that I don't think things through. I act on what I feel, I act on my emotions. I act without thinking because of that reason, and weather that is a bad or a good thing is merely a judgement call. I still want to believe though that what you want fixed can be fixed, at least in most cases. I want to believe that all rash decisions I make won't make a great difference in the end, even though I know a lot of them do. That what I happen to feel, just that second, will in that case change my world for the better. And I also hope that all aspects that have made me into who I am will affect me in a good way when I'm making my next rash decision. So that my life and surroundings will turn out for the better which will therefore help me in my logical/emotional thinking in the future. So the vicious circle continues, and it's one vicious circle we cannot break free from, since we can't run away from who we are. We can't change the past that have made us. All we can really do is to hope that our next decision will be one for the better and that we have enough strenghth to learn from them.
We just change
I know that change is inevitable. Change is the only thing that's constant. And of course I, like any other sane being, welcomes change when it is for the better, because life really would have been so incredibly boring without it. And I probably would have gone insane without any bad things happening to me as well. It's just.., sometimes I wish that some situations, some people wouldn't change, just because I liked things the way they were. When they were stable in a way that I was comfortable with, and had gotten to love even. The situations I wouldn't have minded keeping just the way they were.
Now it's all different. We're different and I've realised that it's pointless wishing or trying to get it back to the way it was. It cannot be done since it's not just up to me to decide how things are supposed to be. And that's just something I gotta learn to live with. Learn from, and who knows, in the future I might actually figure out how to be smarter and have the luck to keep things the way I want them, for a longer period of time. And learn to let go when I need to let go, without letting it hurt me as much as the letting go-part has done in the past. Believe in the future and live in the moment without being afraid that it'll all change too soon.
Pull me forward
It's such a shame that I just happened to catch another bad throat infection at the same time as the sun is reappearing for the first time in 6 months... But as written above, I have a lot to look forward to, so I shall not complain. I'm happy. I'm grateful that the sun's finally come back.
Fate and faith
I know that a lot of people question religion, fate and other believes that give people the explanation that everything happens for a reason. I'm one of them. I don't really think that every single event of our lives or the people we meet come into our lives because they were destined to. I believe that life is just a chain of random events, and it's up to people to decide what to do with all of the things that come our way. Life is about taking chances, I believe in that. I know that I rather take a chance than having to wonder what could have happened. I'd rather discover that I did something wrong than to have to live with the "what if?".
Wishing something would have been different is something that I'm very familiar with, I'd lie if I said that I wasn't. I know though, and try to work into my brain that I can't control anything, or anyone, but myself. So that's the one part of this life that I have the most control over and therefore what I have to focus on and try and make as good I possibly can.
Of course, that doesn't mean that I do things I don't want to do just for the hell of it, since another thing I believe in and try to follow is to always do what I feel is the right thing to do. If I always do that, then I can't look back at what I did and consider it being wrong. Of course I know that I make mistakes, but instead of wishing I could turn back time and change everything I try to see it as the right decision at the time, since I acted the way I thought was the best back then. Therefore, I'll try and continue to do what I think is right, try and learn from the mistakes I make and just hope that it will all lead me close to where I wanna be.
Why I write?
To me, music is something that can give you hope just from listening to it, since it helps you describe your feelings with words. Sure, words you have borrowed from others, but it still provides guidence while in the process of trying to understand yourself. I believe that I would be even more lost than I already am if I didn't have music. I always appreciate getting to know new sounds, when I think it's good of course, since I think that it's one of the most important things in my life. What makes it so special is just the fact that it comforts me when I need it to, since it means that others have felt the same way. It can give me different perspectives on things that concern me etc. So, according to me, it's the best kind of therapy. I wouldn't do well without it. to quote one of my t-shirts; Without music life would not be fair.
I used to be someone
But I grew to be something that I'm not
It feels like I'm cornered
By everything that you really want
Why are we here in this same old room?
We stand here, with damaged hope
But still we carry on
We both know and always will
It cannot end like this
We still have a long way to go
It is kind of hard
To look back on all the good times
And realise nothing
Will ever be like it used to be
I wish you were someone I can only disengage
You opend a lot of doors in me but just closed a few
You're both the poison and the antidote
Is my best not good enough for you?
They didn't build Rome in a day
We just need to ride out this storm...