Sound of today #15

Over You by Daughtry



Today I ended up in a pretty interesting discussion about the meaning of music, and why I think that so called "emotional" or "sad" music is more appealing than let's say, "happy" or"problem-free" music. The reason to why I think that is of course in my world pretty simple. Not just because I like the actual music, but because the lyrics are just more beautiful, more intelligent and contain more honest emotions than the other, in my world, "shallow" music does. These songs that I'm talking about is music by e.g. Silverstein, Escape the Fate, Three Days Grace and so on, songs that can be considered "emo" by a lot of people.

To me, music is something that can give you hope just from listening to it, since it helps you describe your feelings with words. Sure, words you have borrowed from others, but it still provides guidence while in the process of trying to understand yourself. I believe that I would be even more lost than I already am if I didn't have music. I always appreciate getting to know new sounds, when I think it's good of course, since I think that it's one of the most important things in my life. What makes it so special is just the fact that it comforts me when I need it to, since it means that others have felt the same way. It can give me different perspectives on things that concern me etc. So, according to me, it's the best kind of therapy. I wouldn't do well without it. to quote one of my t-shirts; Without music life would not be fair


Sound of today #14

Surrender by Billy Talent



Lyrics from Contradiction by Sonic Syndicate:

I used to be someone
But I grew to be something that I'm not
It feels like I'm cornered
By everything that you really want
Why are we here in this same old room?

We stand here, with damaged hope
But still we carry on
We both know and always will
It cannot end like this
We still have a long way to go

It is kind of hard
To look back on all the good times
And realise nothing
Will ever be like it used to be

I wish you were someone I can only disengage
You opend a lot of doors in me but just closed a few
You're both the poison and the antidote
Is my best not good enough for you?

They didn't build Rome in a day
We just need to ride out this storm...

Sound of today #13

The Poison by Bullet for my Valentine


The antidote

I went to a great concert a couple of days ago, with Sonic Syndicate, and I just have to say that their ballads are some of the most beautiful songs that have ever been written. I posted My Escape a couple of blogs ago, but I seriously would advise all people to listen to Condtradiction and Enclave as well. Both incredibly meaningful, poetic and amazing in every single way.

Concerts have always been a great way for me to forget about the everyday, the boring stuff and the hurting things in my life. It's always been some kind of escape from reality, that just gives me the opportunity to focus on the greatness of good music and just... not care about whatever that may be bothering me at the moment. I'd call it the best kind of therapy in the world, although I know that close friends top that list by far. But concerts are still a pretty good second. I just wish there were more bands that would decide to play here in Stockholm, but since most of my favourite bands are American, that doesn't happen that often. Sonic Syndicate are swedish, which is kind of cool, but bands like Three Days Grace, Rise Against, Taking Back Sunday, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Breaking Benjamin are bands that don't really visit Sweden, unfortunately. But they really, really should...

Anyhow, my point was that when things "turn grey" or go shitty, however you wanna put it, I think the best thing one can do is just to keep busy with things that infiltrate a bit of happiness that stays there, permanently for a while. To try and focus on whatever takes your mind of the bad things. I know I've mentioned this before, I guess I just need to remind myself of it as well. To tell the truth, things have been better, then again I guess they've been worse as well, I guess. There are always gonna be hurtful things in one's life, that's probably a given, but at the moment I just wish things were a bit different. I wish I didn't have to feel confused. To quote one of my best friends: Struggling is painful and letting go is painful, but not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering.

I think that's true. That while standing at a crossroad and not knowing which path to choose, we find ourselves being the most frustrated. In other cases, we have a goal, we have something to strive for. When we don't know what we want to do, or what we should do, the pain just sort of continues, until you don't know what to do with it anymore. Hopefully though, time makes us wiser and therefore, we can count on ourselves to do the right thing in the end.
