Taste of Chaos

This weekend has been awesome, friday I hung out with my sweet Louise which, as always, turned out to be awesome. It was sort of sucky though since we slept at my place but had to leave my bed around 7:30 saturday morning since I had choir rehersal at 9. That day was full of singing and that kind of stuff since we were gonna have two choir concerts in the evening. I was only a part of the first one though, since I had to leave at 6 in order to be at Taste of Chaos at Arenan in time for the concerts that I wanted to see there. Taste of Chaos is a gathering of many great different bands that tour together and play at a lot of different locations. This saturday, Stockholm was the location to be visited by a couple of these great rock bands that I simply couldn't miss.

I got there in time for Story of the Year which is one of my favourite bands, one of their best song is listed as Sound of today #5. Seeing that song live was an experience, a truly great one. All of their songs are awesome and we ended up at the front in the middle which always makes a concert even better since you feel so close to the band. You can even smell their sweat. Haha. At the end, the drummer threw one of his drumsticks at me but this other horrible b*tch stole it from me. We fought over it for like, five minutes or so but she won since I'm too much of a non-violent and nice person to punch her in the face.

Later on this Japanese band called Mucc played. It was very entertaining to see them play even though I don't listen to them. Still, it was pretty funny when I realised that Japanese people head-bang to the side, and also seeing the base player stumble to the floor in the middle of a song. After that, we watched and fell in love with the band Atreyu, all over again. That was the highlight of this already awesome evening. They had the longest time on stage and they were so great that I couldn't stop jumping up and down and scream my lungs out. It didn't exactly get any worse when one of the hot singers decided to take his shirt off. The whole time they were on stage was magical. All in all, this was a great saturday, since there is nothing like concerts to make you feel high on life (well, music in this case, but music is a great part of life, so you all see my point?). It was great, lots of thanks to Jenny and Carolina who shared this awesome night with me.

This sunday turned out to be pretty great as well. After sleeping till 1:20 in the afternoon I got up and went into town to meet Sandra. She's an old school friend of mine that I hadn't met in a long time, and she and I went shopping and then wandered into Muffin Bekery to have a couple of muffins. I bought a present for a friend and a dress and two tops for myself. It was all on sale so I thought it would be okay if I cheated just a little bit on my "keeping-all-of-my-money-in-my-wallet"-promise. Hopefully it'll all work out. I just felt like I didn't want to leave the stores without those things, and I mean, I can't say that I follow my emotions and tell others to do the same if I don't follow my emotions, right? I know what you're thinking, "excuses, excuses", but I don't really care right now, because music and shopping have one thing in common; they both put me in an extremely good mood that stays with me for a really long time. So I can see both my ticket to Taste of Chaos and my new clothes as an investment in my psychological health.



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