Kill the pain

After waking up with a soar throat and a major head ache this morning, I decided to stay in bed and not go to school. Felt sort of nice to just stay home, sleep, watch some One Tree Hill and just take it easy today. Been a while since I had the opportunity to do so, and it has also been a while since I had the apartment all to myself. It is a very nice feeling, actually. Plus then I can sit by the piano and sing as loud as I want to, without having anyone complain.

I also made a short visit to my dentist's office today, so it wasn't a complete waste of a monday (even though, most mondays are always sort of useless if you ask me, no matter what). I sat down by the water while talking to my friend Jenny on my way home, that was very nice. I love sitting by the water. You can tell that the fall is here, since I was freezing even though I was wearing my lovely leather jacket. Or maybe I'm coming down with a fever as well, or something?

Even I if I am, I know I'll be going to school tomorrow. I remeber once last term when I was sick with a fever and a terrible cold. After three days in bed, away from school and people outside of my family, the fever had past, bud the cold was still there. On the fourth day though, I decided to not care about that and I went to school anyway. I got the feeling that I needed to be with people. I just couldn't take staying home alone anymore.

One of the reasons to why I'm not that big a fan of being alone is that it gives me too much time to think. Not that I have that much sad stuff to think about, I just have a tendency to overthink everything and then get a bit sad because of that. That's why I like being around people, it gives me energy at the same time as it keeps me distracted and new, mostly nice converstaions and experiences to think about. I still need time to be by myself but I don't want/need it as much as I think I think I should. I just work like that I guess, that I feel the happiest and most calm when I'm around people and have the opportunity to communicate and be social. Social is one of the words that is used the most when people try to describe me and I think they make a good point.

Since I am a very talkative person I'm comfortable and feel the best when I have friends around me, so I can let it all out. Both the bad stuff, the fun memories and stories, or just my general outbursts of weirdness that can be found extemely entertaining by my equally excentric friends. To make a long text short, I am one of those people who is sort of afraid of both being alone and feeling alone, and that's why I, like every other person on this earth, just try to find ways to avoid that. So far, I think I'm mostly doing very good, just having people in the same area help a lot, especially when they know me well enough to see what I'm thinking just by looking at me. That's what I love about them. Now, thank you and good night.



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