Just breathe

I'm just way too much in my own head sometimes. When I actually feel like life's under control, and most things are going my way, I pull myself down to the ground again and start over thinking certain things. Thing is, I don't want to do that, not right now. There is just too many things that can take too much space and it turns into an internal storm that can blow me out of perspective. I worry too much, and I think too much, I talk too much and I know I do all of those things.

"It comes and goes" so to speak, since the mood shifts and everythings else with it. The way you look at things, anxities and excitements, everything.The beginning of this year I've felt totally different from what I have felt like before, and I don't mind welcoming something new. It has actually felt really good, it all being as refreshing as this is. Now the period where I start over thinking it all begins though, and I sort of go back to feeling like I have felt before, which all of a sudden feels strange, somehow. It's a bit too complex for even myself to understand so I don't really expect you to either, but I guess that everyone has at least had a period, or a day where they just wish that the world could just slow down, stop spinning and let you breathe. Just breathe. For one minut so you could see it all clearly.




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