Let's just say that in moments like these I am eternally grateful to the being that is known as Taylor Swift for wrtiting such sappy, cheesy love songs that one can listen to in times like these....
Har precis kommit hem från skivan, mikrat en ädelostpaj och har nu en hund som vill hoppa upp i sängen med mig. Gissar att det är pajen och inte mig han vill gosa med. Så nu är det "fyllekäk" i form av paj som gäller framför Gilmore Girls. Party!
Vi är lika
Skulle precis gå in på ämnet 'intertextuality' för min engelskauppsats. Word tycker dock att det är felstavat och föreslår istället att jag ska använda mig av ordet 'intersexuality'. Vi tänker väldigt lika, Word och jag. Om Word var en person skulle vi nog kunna bli riktigt bra kompisar.
Holy shit
Insåg precis att om 14 dagar har jag tagit studenten... Shit.
Ska om ca 90 röra mig iväg till ännu en skiva på M/S Borgilia. Det är en båt. Ganska taskig lokal och dyr bar. Det verkar som att historien upprepar sig själv för förra gången där var jag också pank, precis som jag är nu. Då hängde jag tätt ihop med min käre vän Erik som så generöst "bjöd" mig på 3 öl. 3 öl är allt jag behöver. Jag betalade tillbaka 2 av dom på vår skiva ca 2 veckor senare. Han är snäll han, Erik.
Får hoppas på att jag hittar ett annat offer att snylta på ikväll... Usch, vad hemsk jag låter. Brukar inte snylta, det är bara det (för att citera en facebook-grupp) det finns alldeles för mycket månad kvar i slutet av pengarna. Mycket väl talat av den gruppskaparen. På tal om det så finns det alldeles för lite tid i slutet på dygnet. Har nu 88 minuter på mig att äta middag, skriva klart en engelskauppsats och kolla på ett till avsnitt av Gilmore Girls. Kommer bli en fin kväll detta. God natt.
Får hoppas på att jag hittar ett annat offer att snylta på ikväll... Usch, vad hemsk jag låter. Brukar inte snylta, det är bara det (för att citera en facebook-grupp) det finns alldeles för mycket månad kvar i slutet av pengarna. Mycket väl talat av den gruppskaparen. På tal om det så finns det alldeles för lite tid i slutet på dygnet. Har nu 88 minuter på mig att äta middag, skriva klart en engelskauppsats och kolla på ett till avsnitt av Gilmore Girls. Kommer bli en fin kväll detta. God natt.
Most likely

På min klasskiva den 2 maj i år så tilldelades jag min "medalj" som alla i klassen skulle få med förutspådda framtider som alla i klassen skulle hjälpa till att motivera för. Motiveringen löd:
"Well... The next girl were there many who had commented on her liking of rocker boys. Many had written "most likely to date a rocker or most likely to marry a rockstar and so on. But then we thought - What would Mr Olsson say about that? - That's sexist! is what he would say... So, Madeleine, here you are; Most likely to become a rockstar!"

Lazarra & Winkler
The hand movement-thingy both singer of Taking Back Sunday (Adam Lazarra) and Hinder (Austin Winkler) do with their hands is just so awesome. Some argue that it is a gesture that supposedly belongs to the gay community. I just think it's absolutely fab how they move when they sing and interact with their micro phones in this very special way. The fact that they are both hysterically hot just makes the whole thing even better. Drool. Yes, this is the most interesting thought I've had in the last 20 min.
Sound of today #26
Stupid time
Time's been going way too fast for my liking the past weeks. Espcially when it comes to school work. My anxiety cramps are in the way of me doing actual school work which makes the process of doing what I have to even longer. This makes me even more anxious and worried about school and that just keeps the vicious circle going. Fuck It. However, grades are set tomorrow so hopefully I'll manage to get done what I have to get done before tomorrow. It would be so nice if my grades still turned out okay and that I could feel good about the past school year when I run away to Germany and the Rock am Ring festival. I can't believe that I'm gonna be at that festival in less than 48 hours ^^
Music helps. My friends help. Johan helps and the fact that this summer is going to be amazing helps. Now I have both Rock am Ring with Jenny, two gigs with the band in June, a trip to Spain with Lisa, Gotland with Johan and Italy with my Godfather to look forward to. Summer 2009 is going to shine brighter than any summer has ever done before.
Music helps. My friends help. Johan helps and the fact that this summer is going to be amazing helps. Now I have both Rock am Ring with Jenny, two gigs with the band in June, a trip to Spain with Lisa, Gotland with Johan and Italy with my Godfather to look forward to. Summer 2009 is going to shine brighter than any summer has ever done before.
Sound of today #25
Overload me
Thanks to my perfect skill of missing deadlines I'm way behind when it comes to my final school work before the break. But I guess all I can to is to suck it up and be done with it so I then can enjoy the summer holiday without feeling bad about school. Then again I guess I'm not alone in that matter. Feeling overloaded I mean.
Today was interesting though and I actually managed to get some work done. I wrote two history essays and handed them both in before midnight. Since the deadline was 26/5 and I did hand the last one in at exactly 23:59 it should be alright since it was still the 26th. In between essays I first spent some time with the wonderful bf of mine in the afternoon and then hung out with two of my bestest friends in the company of pop corn. Then me and one of the bestest friends, Lisa, booked a trip to Spain! It's sooo awsome! It's gonna be so great to go to Spain, and for the first time. I Can't Wait.
Today was interesting though and I actually managed to get some work done. I wrote two history essays and handed them both in before midnight. Since the deadline was 26/5 and I did hand the last one in at exactly 23:59 it should be alright since it was still the 26th. In between essays I first spent some time with the wonderful bf of mine in the afternoon and then hung out with two of my bestest friends in the company of pop corn. Then me and one of the bestest friends, Lisa, booked a trip to Spain! It's sooo awsome! It's gonna be so great to go to Spain, and for the first time. I Can't Wait.
Sound of today #24
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here
Light up light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do
Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess
Sound of today #23
Three simple words
You make me happy.
You've made the past two months,
two of the best months I've ever experienced.
And I miss you when you're not here...
I usually hate cheesiness,
but so far I haven't gotten tired of saying those
three simple words to you:
I love you.
You make me happy.
You've made the past two months,
two of the best months I've ever experienced.
And I miss you when you're not here...
I usually hate cheesiness,
but so far I haven't gotten tired of saying those
three simple words to you:
I love you.